Rectory Ramblings

Poems and Pictures

The Bird Psalm


I encountered this little bird when staying in a cottage beside the beach at Rockcliffe in May 2022. A beautiful warm spring afternoon with absolutely no visitors about. Even the icecream van had left. And there was suddenly this – I think- Rock Pippit. Photographing it meant rushing into the house to get the camera and long lens – let those who have experienced understand – getting the settings right, creeping quietly back out, and hoping the bird would still be there … Joy of joys it was – and – the camera settings were correct ..

Evelyn Underhill in her poem ‘Immanence’ writes: ‘I come in the little things’ saith the Lord.

U.A.Fanthorpe says the same thing differently in her poem: The Bird Psalm.

The Swallow said,
He comes like me,
Longed for; unexpectedly.

The superficial eye
Will pass him by,
Said the Wren.

The best singer ever heard,
No one will take much notice,
Said the Blackbird.

The Owl said,
He is who, who is he
Who enters the heart as soft
As my soundless wings, as me.

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